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Minutes June 23, 2009
City of Torrington Economic Development Commission
Minutes June 23, 2009

Members Present:  Cindy Donaldson, George Noujaim, TJ Zapulla, Greg Mele,
                                                              JoAnn Ryan, Jim Thibault

Members Absent:  Mayor Bingham, Bill Battle, Nancy Sieller
Commissioner Donaldson called the meeting to order at 5:30pm

1.      Open meeting to Public
Commissioner Ryan made the motion to open the meeting to the public and Commissioner Mele seconded the motion.  Motion carried
      2.  Approval of the Minutes
Commissioner Mele made the motion to approve the May 12, 2009 minutes and Commissioner Zappulla seconded the motion with the following corrections: 8. Under new business the assessment grant should have read $400,000, not $400,00. The motion was approved unanimously with the correction noted.

3.      Finalize the economic section of the POCD:
Commissioners reviewed the draft of the economic sections. Generally they expressed the need to eliminate so much detail concerning various initiatives and policies and instead communicate in a broader  view. They wanted to include the TDC website address so readers could turn to that website for more information, and detail. The newly revised draft will be forwarded to Martin Connor.

4.   Commissioner Donaldson made a motion to table items 5, 6, and 7 until next month’s meeting, Commissioner Mele seconded the motion. The motion carried.

5.   Vote to consider business presented by the Mayor and members of the Commission. Commissioner Noujaim discussed his dissatisfaction with the tax collector’s office. He explained that after being forced to pay a jeopardy tax, he was sent an incorrect tax bill. The tax bill did not credit any payment he had made. He feels this continues to be a very unfriendly office to the business community. He has already visited the attorney general’s office and they are looking into whether the tax collector is following the appropriate process concerning the collection of jeopardy taxes.  Sending incorrect tax bills is another sign that the tax collector continues to engage in practices that hurt business. Commissioners would like to invite the tax collector to an EDC meeting so a dialog can be exchanged between the EDC and the tax collector’s office. Commissioner Donaldson will call Rob Crovo and invite him to a future meeting. Commissioners would like Rose to check the ordinances to see if the commission has an absentee policy. Continued absenteeism by some commissioners disrupts continuity. Rose will report back at the next meeting.  

6.   Commissioner Zapulla moved to adjourn at 7:35, Commissioner Mele seconded the    motion, the motion carried.